16 Ways to Get Free Cars (Free Car Programs)

There are lots of places in the US where you don’t necessarily need a car. There might be good public transportation and/or your area might be walkable, but for others, this might not be the case. A car might be a necessity to not only get to and from work but to get to school …

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How to Do the 100 Envelope Challenge (Save $5,050!)

How would you feel if you were able to save an extra $5,000+? I think for most people, $5,000 could really make a difference in their financial life. You could pay off some debt, get started with investing, or even just use the money to help offset your regular expenses. But how do you even …

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How to Save Money on Groceries + Cheap Meals

Other than your mortgage, your biggest expense is probably food, right? You are not alone! According to the USDA, the average family of four spends about $835.57 per month on groceries. Most of your essentials may be fixed, but when it comes to food spending, you do have a little bit of control over how …

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35+ Money Saving Challenges For Every Budget!

Okay, here’s the deal, according to this article, less than 40% of Americans have enough money set aside to pay for a $1,000 emergency fund – and that’s pretty scary. If you fall into this category, don’t worry, there are plenty of things you can do to start saving money and building that starter emergency …

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Savings Tracker Printables To Help You Reach Your Goals [Free]

Keeping track of your savings goals can be pretty tough (it’s not just me, right?). You can keep track digitally of course, but there’s just something about a physical tracker that really helps me. If you aren’t totally sold on savings trackers, let’s talk about them! Savings Tracker..? But why? Okay hear me out, seeing …

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